Creative economy

We work with and for entrepreneurs and seed companies, as well as investors. Art and design are vital components of a flourishing economy and we provide them with generous support. 

Innovation and entrepreneurs

Startup Energy Reykjavík

Startup Energy Reykjavík (SER) is a business accelerator based on the same template as Startup Reykjavík but it focuses on projects and companies in the energy sector.


Startup Reykjavík

Startup Reykjavík is Arion Bank’s main seed investment programme, and its objective is to create an environment where entrepreneurs can receive advice and guidance from experienced mentors.

Supporting innovation from primary school to the workplace

We support innovation all the way from primary school to the workplace.

  • Arion Bank runs the venture capital fund Eyrir Sprotar slhf in cooperation with Eyrir Invest. Eyrir Invest and Arion Bank are the fund's largest shareholders and in 2016 the Bank increased its investment to ISK 1.3 billion.
  • In 2016 the Bank began collaborating with the European Investment Fund (EIF), and now offers funding for small and medium-sized enterprises who are planning to bring innovation into their business, whether in the form of new products, procedures or services. The aim of this partnership is to provide companies with access to funding at lower interest rates once certain conditions have been met and the thereby to support innovations, stimulate business activity, research and development.
  • Art and design are vital components of a flourishing economy and we provide them with generous support.


Art and design

Arion Bank regularly organizes art exhibitions and lectures on the visual arts at its headquarters. The Bank owns around 1,300 pieces of art by many of Iceland's leading artists and many of these works are on display at Arion Bank's branches and places of work.

The Bank enjoys a close partnership with the Iceland Design Centre and is a sponsor of DesignMarch.